
A dedicated forum and online store for the Opae ula shrimp! 

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 #4898  by QDanT
opae ula related wrote: 10 Apr 2018 16:57

Yeah, like Odin said it is normal. Takes time to get used to new environment. I always think they are making sure they are no predators around before venturing out.
so they spent the first 4 days exploring the tank looking for hiding places ?
 #4899  by odin
It’s possible, shrimps hide for lots of different reasons. I’d give them some more time before getting too concerned, the last thing you want to do is start move things and squash a few of them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
 #4900  by opae ula related
QDanT wrote:
opae ula related wrote: 10 Apr 2018 16:57

Yeah, like Odin said it is normal. Takes time to get used to new environment. I always think they are making sure they are no predators around before venturing out.
so they spent the first 4 days exploring the tank looking for hiding places ?
How many did you purchased again? Yeah, dumped into new environment and checking to see if any predators in hiding spots, once comfortable hides from potential predators. They eventually soon will be out once they know it is safe and familiar with surrounding. My thinking, could be wrong.

 #4966  by QDanT
Saturday 14-4-18 Tank :- 76*F - SG 1.012 - Ammonia 0 - Nitrite 0 - Nitrate 0
it's now been 7 days since I last saw any Shrimp, the first 4 days there was always a few about.
the Cheato seems fine and growing, the x2 Horned Nerite and the Zebra Nerite Snail
haven't stopped eating, the Algae on the glass is just about gone,
I've learnt as I've gone along and thought I'd set up a good stable tank for them ?
but admit I don't know anything about them i.e. babies hide for weeks growing ?
So I removed the top Lava rock no Shrimp on or under it. I then removed the left side Lava rock the same !
Removed the Nerite Snails and the Oxydator but didn't touch the last Lava rock which has holes drilled through it
which gives plenty of hiding caves, topped tank to fill line with RO Water @ SG 1.010 and added Prodibio Biodidgest
I think I made a mistake putting too many Lava rocks in at the begining I know I've disturbed them but just hope they're all hiding under, or in, the last Lava rock.
another week went by without seeing any,
so I disturbed them again by carving one of the removed Lava rocks and putting it back in 19-4-18 Today 20-4-18 they weren't too disturbed as there's been a few out all afternoon :smile:
I've experimented with a large magnifying lens leaned on the tank taken a big pixel photo then cropped it there's a few red ones but more clear ones and one really white one Looks like I'm up and running :lol:
05 white.jpg
05 white.jpg (16.72 KiB) Viewed 6956 times
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01 mag glass.jpg
01 mag glass.jpg (81.63 KiB) Viewed 6956 times
04 new rock.jpg
04 new rock.jpg (145.67 KiB) Viewed 6956 times
03 tank 19-4-18.jpg
03 tank 19-4-18.jpg (200.52 KiB) Viewed 6956 times
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02 tank 14-4-18.jpg (205.9 KiB) Viewed 6956 times
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01 eating Algae.jpg (222.35 KiB) Viewed 6956 times
 #4967  by odin
Yay they are out! Don't worry about the clear ones as they will turn red/pink and the others will turn clear/white from time to time and im not 100% why this is. You would expect them to be pale if they are unhappy or water isnt right but that obviously isnt the case because look at how nice and red the others are. Maybe they turn colours for some reason we don't know about yet.

Thanks for the photos, did they all upload first time without issues? We have made a few changes to the upload system.
 #4977  by QDanT
Odin :- Thanks for the photos, did they all upload first time without issues? We have made a few changes to the upload system.
Yes they uploaded faster and before 1 in 3 would get to 100% but not come up with 'place in line' but keep loading , so I'd have to go back delete them upload again, then no problem, this is much better :happy:
 #4978  by odin
QDanT wrote: 20 Apr 2018 22:20 Odin :- Thanks for the photos, did they all upload first time without issues? We have made a few changes to the upload system.
Yes they uploaded faster and before 1 in 3 would get to 100% but not come up with 'place in line' but keep loading , so I'd have to go back delete them upload again, then no problem, this is much better :happy:

 #4981  by QDanT
First shed ? Out and about
out and about.jpg
out and about.jpg (215.44 KiB) Viewed 6931 times
first shed.jpg
first shed.jpg (116.87 KiB) Viewed 6931 times
 #4982  by odin
cool! Be sure to leave the moults in the tank for them to snack on later. :smile:
 #4999  by QDanT
it's very rare to seen any out during the day, though I was lucky this morning :what: yet if I get up in the middle of the night, to go to the toilet, and have a look in the Shrimp room in the dark with a torch, they're all over the Lava rocks, tank sides and swimming about.
Just wish they were this busy during the day as a blank tank can get boring
05-4-18 a.jpg
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05 29-4-18.jpg
05 29-4-18.jpg (274.54 KiB) Viewed 6886 times
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