I think even if your nerite passed your water will be fine and not affect the opae. We just don't know the age of the snails when we get them. I've had many snails die in my 6 gallon both nerites and MTS. By the time I realize it the shells are empty. Granted there's quite few opae in the tank so i'm sure it's fine. I know I still have a nerite and a cerith snails that's probably 3+ years.
Suppose I over worry about my shrimps.
A tiger nerite from my fw tank was acclimated and put into the opae tank. He has a crack in his shell which I hope will do better in a brackish tank than a softwater fw tank.
The older nerite is still in quarantine with old tank water. When I took him out, he had some light brown discharge around his shell. He may already be on his way out. The sad thing is, when I went to the petshop to buy some amano shrimps for my fw tank, I saw tiger nerites that are bigger than him. So he could have potentially grown more. Maybe somehow he just got sick.